How to repair

The bodywork is the most vulnerable part of the car because it is the first to suffer external shocks.

It must be believed that most drivers want to ride in a car whose body is impeccable. This without counting that the bodywork will be well checked during the technical control. It is therefore better to maintain it to avoid having unpleasant surprises!

Identifying the problem

Bodywork in Chambéry can be damaged in different ways: It can be scratched or dented. Depending on the type and depth of the impact on the bodywork, a specific treatment or several successive treatments should be applied.

In the case of scratched bodywork

Thanks to a little snagging, the body can be scratched and you want to fix it on your own. You should know that many products exist to hide the scratch:

Bodywork pencil: For small touch-ups, a bodywork pencil will go over a light scratch to seal it and protect the bodywork. It is a very easy to use and inexpensive solution.

Scratch remover product:  Practical and effective, scratch remover is a product that is applied to the scratched area to erase traces, seal and hide small and medium scratches.

Complete treatment:  If the scratch is deep, it will be better to use fine-grain sandpaper to clean the paint chips present on the bodywork and then apply the pencil or a scratch-erasing product following the manufacturer’s instructions. For your bodywork service needs, call

In the case of a dented bodywork

Following a shock, the bodywork may present unsightly bumps without adding that this negatively impacts the value of the vehicle . If you cannot call on a specialist for a better result, it is still possible to straighten your bodywork yourself with a minimum of tools:

With a suction cup : this method is not always effective and it consists of holding a suction cup to suck the bump. The use of a lubricant will allow a good grip of the suction cup on the bodywork around the dent.

With a hair dryer : Temperature variations can expand the metal and remove bumps from its bodywork. Simply heat the dent to the highest possible temperature using a hair dryer. Once the maximum temperature has been reached, the area of ​​the dent must be cooled with a compressed air spray, or a bucket of very cold water. The thermal shock linked to the temperature variation will allow the sheet to return to its initial shape.

With a hammer : If the dent is inside, you can use a hammer to bring out the dent. This method should be handled with care. If possible, a rubber mallet should be used to avoid damaging the sheet metal. Then, all you have to do is bring a metal plate to place on the side opposite to the one on which you are hitting. Then, strike with small close blows but without deforming the sheet. With all the necessary precautions, you will certainly obtain a satisfactory result and you will still have to apply the finishes to eliminate the scratches and varnish the bodywork.

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